Monday, January 08, 2007

Bitter or Better?

Today I was talking to a dear friend and we were discussing how often life is funny and at a very moment in time, something happens – a message let’s say directed at you and only you…and you know it happened just for you.

For example you are in your car and a commercial comes on for something that you have been thinking about. You get to work, you right down what you heard and make the call...then the ball gets rolling and the rest is history. It all happened because you were in the car, had the radio on, and listened to what actually was going out to the masses, but you know it was directed at you, so much so that you could have drove the car off the road.

Some would say it’s God, divine intervention, coincidence, luck, life, and so forth… That very message may have been on your mind, or sometimes that message will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. I have often found that our heart speaks to us in a very unique way.

So, anyway, this friend and I were talking and comparing our own behaviors lately (really complaining about the mundane things in life – pms, dishes, errands and so on) and the word forgiveness came up and do we really live our lives in that ‘forgiveness’ mode. Then all of sudden we changed gears a bit; how our lives are affected by forgiveness or lack of and then it hit me….she mentioned to me….Do you want to do/be BETTER or BITTER?

Aha, light bulb. I needed that message, clear as day there was a reason I answered the phone (if you know me, you know I screen most all calls and hate the phone). It was my plan today to get that phone call and have that chat, to wake me up a bit, pull me from this slump and to decide…..Better or Bitter!

I guess what I am really trying to say, had I not picked up that phone at that moment, I would have missed a message that I possibly needed to be reminded of. I think when we know better we do better.

Thanks friend – call anytime.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Good one - hit close to home. Thanks, Angela. ;)