Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009

BAKAPALOOZA 09 = GIRL THERAPY! Got some baking on with my girls and had some wonderful girl chats! True therapy! ROCKED the oven!

Then Robb played Santa and delivered all the goodies to all the people on our Good list! Thanks honey!

Kids also helped in the fun!

What do you get when you have 8 four-year old's over for cookie decorating and a luncheon? A big mess and lots and lots of FUN! This was the end result.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
This is JARI (pronounced Jerry - it's all 4 of our initials)...he is our very own Elf on the Shelf. He is a magical elf that works with Santa (we can't touch him though or he will lose his magic powers). He sits up on the shelf and observes our family all day, then reports back to Santa at night. Upon his return each morning, he is located in a different place of the house, so when it's breakfast time we spend it looking for Jari. However, our Jari is a bit mischievous at times, he has hung underwear's on the tree, taken our Angel from the top of said tree and took over her spot, and even mix matches all our shoes. If you ask me, I think he might even know where all the lost socks and gloves are. It's been fun having Jari around this holiday season.

Isabella had her annual Christmas dance performance. It was really cute and she looked as though she was having some fun.

We have had our fist official snow day of the this school year. We of course had to get outside and play in followed with lots of cocoa and marshmallows.

It's been a few busy weeks for Isabella. She also had her school's annual Christmas program. It again was really cute and all the kids did such a great job.

Then no season would be complete with out a visit to Santa. Isabella loved him this year and kept touching his beard. When Jacob was asked what he wanted from Santa he told him to surprise him.

As for the rest of our year, well we have plenty of things going on, a few more really good work outs to end this year with a bang, Robb will be home for a few days of vacation to enjoy, Isabella is hosting a luncheon and cookie decorating party for some her friends, Jacob has a few more days of school to finish out his first half of first grade, Bakapalooza, couple of cookie parties for the kids, and time for sharing with family and friends.

Isabella had her annual Christmas dance performance. It was really cute and she looked as though she was having some fun.

We have had our fist official snow day of the this school year. We of course had to get outside and play in followed with lots of cocoa and marshmallows.

It's been a few busy weeks for Isabella. She also had her school's annual Christmas program. It again was really cute and all the kids did such a great job.

Then no season would be complete with out a visit to Santa. Isabella loved him this year and kept touching his beard. When Jacob was asked what he wanted from Santa he told him to surprise him.

As for the rest of our year, well we have plenty of things going on, a few more really good work outs to end this year with a bang, Robb will be home for a few days of vacation to enjoy, Isabella is hosting a luncheon and cookie decorating party for some her friends, Jacob has a few more days of school to finish out his first half of first grade, Bakapalooza, couple of cookie parties for the kids, and time for sharing with family and friends.
Monday, November 30, 2009
What happended to November?
Well - November has come and is almost gone. Happy Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful weekend filled with family and friends.
We started off with Robb's brother from Michigan joining us here at our house. So, all four of the brothers were together, but most importantly all 9 of the cousins were together. It had been since June 208 since that happened. It was fun and at many times, the kids out numbered the adults. But I must add....Adults 1 - Kids 0!
Thanksgiving morning I ran a 5k and hit my fastest time ever - best part....ran the entire race! Last time that will happen, but it sure felt good Thanksgiving day. I also had the pleasure of running with my two Sister-in-laws and a couple friends. Really is a great way to start off the day, see that on my list of 'to do's' for next year.
We hosted the holiday's main meal.....with having 25 people over. Now, remember 9 of them were kids. However, we were smart enough to set another table in another room for them. Great food, better company. Heard stories of yesterday and plans for the future. The ages at our tables ranged from 86 - 2, with everyone in between.
Had a girl cousin sleepover and might I add, we rocked Hungry Hippo for the entire night! Understand that at the boy sleepover Nerf Wars took place and the boys won.
We also attended a Birthday party completed with cake, ice cream, lots of wine, and a balloon dude to entertain the kids. I think I also remember grandpa passing out gold coins if you could figure out his trick.
The holiday was great and felt good kicking off the holiday season. Bring it on my friend....we are ready!

We started off with Robb's brother from Michigan joining us here at our house. So, all four of the brothers were together, but most importantly all 9 of the cousins were together. It had been since June 208 since that happened. It was fun and at many times, the kids out numbered the adults. But I must add....Adults 1 - Kids 0!
Thanksgiving morning I ran a 5k and hit my fastest time ever - best part....ran the entire race! Last time that will happen, but it sure felt good Thanksgiving day. I also had the pleasure of running with my two Sister-in-laws and a couple friends. Really is a great way to start off the day, see that on my list of 'to do's' for next year.
We hosted the holiday's main meal.....with having 25 people over. Now, remember 9 of them were kids. However, we were smart enough to set another table in another room for them. Great food, better company. Heard stories of yesterday and plans for the future. The ages at our tables ranged from 86 - 2, with everyone in between.
Had a girl cousin sleepover and might I add, we rocked Hungry Hippo for the entire night! Understand that at the boy sleepover Nerf Wars took place and the boys won.
We also attended a Birthday party completed with cake, ice cream, lots of wine, and a balloon dude to entertain the kids. I think I also remember grandpa passing out gold coins if you could figure out his trick.
The holiday was great and felt good kicking off the holiday season. Bring it on my friend....we are ready!

Sunday, November 01, 2009
More of the fun.....
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Gettin' Our Fall On....

Pumpkin Patch 2009 - Even if it's freezing outside.
Been a little busy lately and letting most things slip, just to make it through each day. But this weekend we took some time out as a family and went to our local Pumpkin Patch. It was a bitter cold day and we were bundled up, but we had a great time. Enjoyed some time with friends and family, broke bread with them, and had a chance to catch up a bit. Wonderful times had by all and looking forward to many more.
Happy Fall Ya' All!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Grandma's Visit...(weekend)

Had a great visit with Grandma this past weekend. Kids spoiled, little sleep, lots of giggles, fun, and can't wait until the next time.
Thursday - Grandma's arrival day, pizza party, cousins, uncles, aunts, and some fun on a school night.
Friday - School, dance class, dinner party, more cousins, uncles, aunts, along with Grannie.
Saturday - I ran a 5K - IT ROCKED! Best time ever - still slow to most, but for freezing out butts off...my running partner and I kicked it out. Even had a cheering section at the finish line of grandma, dad, and kiddos. Soccer, brunch with friends, a little shopping, had a sitter for all kid and cousins, so grandma, aunts, and uncles could go have an adult night. Great meal, great wine, and even better company.
Sunday - FOOTBALL! Dinner here, cousin, aunts, uncles, and granny. A little pumpkin decorating, and the best part......several months ago, Grandpa made these canvas's for me (stole the idea from Robb's brother who surprised his wife with orignal works of art for Christmas) so we could paint on them and hang them in our new house. Well, Grandma (resident artist) helped me get my butt in gear and get on this project. Not only did they start it....but also finished. Grandma, Jacob, and Isabella retrieved to the garage for the after noon...had colors picked out, looked thru Chinese art books we had, and a painting they went. Jacob did the pagoda, Isabella did the bamboo, and Grandma finished it up with the boat. The end result is absolutely fantastic. Can't wait to get them on the wall.
Great weekend...and workin' for the next one.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Really? It's been that long....WOW!
Dear poor, neglected, blog....(which really means we are really diggin' life and so busy that we don't update...or we have dropped from the earth - I will go with the first scenario),
We really are here....and just pluggin' away with life. It's groovin' well, not like the well oiled machine I would like to see, but can't or rather won't complain. Could be worse...you know, no friends, no family, no events happening, and so forth. So, here we are....about 6 weeks after our last post and still really not much to report.
Robb - doing great. Pluggin' away at work as usual and traveling a lot. Diggin' being a home owner and of course revolves his weekends around cutting the grass. I kid you not about this one....he really does. He has taken his boat a couple of times this year and I think maybe even squeezed in a golf game. This past weekend was the American Royal BBQ Contest (considered the world series of BBQ)and his company hosted two dinners and had 6 teams participate in the contest. This was his first year actually competing with a team, and they did well; considering their were 486 entrants. Most of all, I think he had fun. He has also decided to be the Den Leader for Jacob's Tiger Cub Scouts group. He has 12 little boys he is charge of and I might add...looks pretty cute in his tan button up shirt.

Robb Gettin' his Q on making dinner for his teams and their guests.
Me - Hmmmmm, what can I say about me...that's always a tough one. Not to good at talking about myself. I have taken the roll in our family right now as pilot and in charge of just keeping everyone else on course; albeit necessary. Even though I am busy every minute of the most every day, having to sum it up in words seems a bit on the boring side. I have also taken charge of our families nutrition, health, and fitness. Figured if I do it everyone will go kicking and screaming, but really have no choice. It's been good. We are by far eating so much better than ever before, saving our monies from eating out, and we get out and move more. I am in love with my time at the gym and getting ready to run my third 5K race this year next Saturday. Now, you must know this about me....I hate running (and let me add, running these races is really stretching the definition of running, it's more like run, hop, skip, walk, and jump...my only goals are to finish)...it's something I don't really enjoy, but love the challenge and have a great group of friends who are pushing me. I promise you when I see you running/jogging on the side of the road no matter what size and shape you are....I clap for you. I have such an admiration for you runners. It's one of the hardest things I can honestly say I have ever done. Other than that, I have managed to get a few more boxes unpacked and organized...but not completely done. We will get there someday, but in no rush...besides what will I do after I am done or what would I have to complain about?

Susan Koman Race for the Cure last August
Jacob - whew - this kids is busy, busy, growing and changing. He is doing great in first grade. He loves school, but hates the homework and let me say we have some every night of the week. He is still doing karate and loving that he gets to start using weapons and sparring. He is also playing soccer this season. He plays on a great team of (2) boys and (6) girls, so you can imagine the show off he has become. He also competed this past weekend in the American Royal BBQ. His age group grilled burgers. It was so cool - they even got to keep their grills. He didn't get in the top three, but he did walk away with a groovy ribbon and that made all the difference in the world. Already talking about next year.

School Project we had to work on.

Our two Q'rs leaving for the contest.

Isabella - Groovin' right into the pre-k. She has a particular fondness for a certain teacher and she even mimics her at home. It is cute and this teacher is someone we all would want to mimic. She is an angel. Isabella has started dance for the season at a new studio and diggin' it with her friends. She has also started karate. The uniform and belt are bigger than she is, but she is karate chopping everything in the house. It's great. She is just blossomed over the summer and has the funniest disposition.

We do dress ourselves now and choose our own clothes; accessories and all.

This girl as NO fear.
Until next time blog...I promise to update more often and take more photos.
We really are here....and just pluggin' away with life. It's groovin' well, not like the well oiled machine I would like to see, but can't or rather won't complain. Could be worse...you know, no friends, no family, no events happening, and so forth. So, here we are....about 6 weeks after our last post and still really not much to report.
Robb - doing great. Pluggin' away at work as usual and traveling a lot. Diggin' being a home owner and of course revolves his weekends around cutting the grass. I kid you not about this one....he really does. He has taken his boat a couple of times this year and I think maybe even squeezed in a golf game. This past weekend was the American Royal BBQ Contest (considered the world series of BBQ)and his company hosted two dinners and had 6 teams participate in the contest. This was his first year actually competing with a team, and they did well; considering their were 486 entrants. Most of all, I think he had fun. He has also decided to be the Den Leader for Jacob's Tiger Cub Scouts group. He has 12 little boys he is charge of and I might add...looks pretty cute in his tan button up shirt.

Robb Gettin' his Q on making dinner for his teams and their guests.
Me - Hmmmmm, what can I say about me...that's always a tough one. Not to good at talking about myself. I have taken the roll in our family right now as pilot and in charge of just keeping everyone else on course; albeit necessary. Even though I am busy every minute of the most every day, having to sum it up in words seems a bit on the boring side. I have also taken charge of our families nutrition, health, and fitness. Figured if I do it everyone will go kicking and screaming, but really have no choice. It's been good. We are by far eating so much better than ever before, saving our monies from eating out, and we get out and move more. I am in love with my time at the gym and getting ready to run my third 5K race this year next Saturday. Now, you must know this about me....I hate running (and let me add, running these races is really stretching the definition of running, it's more like run, hop, skip, walk, and jump...my only goals are to finish)...it's something I don't really enjoy, but love the challenge and have a great group of friends who are pushing me. I promise you when I see you running/jogging on the side of the road no matter what size and shape you are....I clap for you. I have such an admiration for you runners. It's one of the hardest things I can honestly say I have ever done. Other than that, I have managed to get a few more boxes unpacked and organized...but not completely done. We will get there someday, but in no rush...besides what will I do after I am done or what would I have to complain about?

Susan Koman Race for the Cure last August
Jacob - whew - this kids is busy, busy, growing and changing. He is doing great in first grade. He loves school, but hates the homework and let me say we have some every night of the week. He is still doing karate and loving that he gets to start using weapons and sparring. He is also playing soccer this season. He plays on a great team of (2) boys and (6) girls, so you can imagine the show off he has become. He also competed this past weekend in the American Royal BBQ. His age group grilled burgers. It was so cool - they even got to keep their grills. He didn't get in the top three, but he did walk away with a groovy ribbon and that made all the difference in the world. Already talking about next year.

School Project we had to work on.

Our two Q'rs leaving for the contest.

Isabella - Groovin' right into the pre-k. She has a particular fondness for a certain teacher and she even mimics her at home. It is cute and this teacher is someone we all would want to mimic. She is an angel. Isabella has started dance for the season at a new studio and diggin' it with her friends. She has also started karate. The uniform and belt are bigger than she is, but she is karate chopping everything in the house. It's great. She is just blossomed over the summer and has the funniest disposition.

We do dress ourselves now and choose our own clothes; accessories and all.

This girl as NO fear.
Until next time blog...I promise to update more often and take more photos.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
First Grade or BUST!
Today marks the first day of First Grade. Jacob woke up with bells on, was excited and couldn't wait....he has a new teacher, friends from baseball and Kindergarten in his class. In fact, he chose to sit at a table of 5 other boys, all of which he knows...so I am sure that table will be switched soon.
So, here is the lesson I was taught today; when you are First Grader, no more naps, they already know how to read - so what more is there to learn, and you get to eat lunch later than the Kindergartners. Sounds good.
So, here is the lesson I was taught today; when you are First Grader, no more naps, they already know how to read - so what more is there to learn, and you get to eat lunch later than the Kindergartners. Sounds good.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Time Flies...and we are not getting older....
Friday, July 17, 2009
10 DAYS - 2 Cases of wine - Late Nights - Great Company - Good Eats - Fun - Michigan Ocean - Cousins - Aunts - Uncles - Nephews - Nieces - Date Night - Sand - Beach - Pronto Pups - Sculpture Gardens - Water Taxi's - Navy Pier - Chicago - Sky Scrappers - Ikea - Shopping - Michigan Avenue - Lego Land - Millennium Park - Taxi Cabs - More Shopping - More great eats - Lot's of Laughs - Bicycles - Parades - Fireworks - Baseball....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Summer is here and the time is right.....
WOWSA - it's been over a month since our last post. Where is the time going? Seems like it's slower than snails this week, but when I look back at photos over the past several weeks, seems like it has whirled by.
Where to start, where to start. Well, we left off with the ending of the school year, baseball, soccer, karate, and final dance performances....that seems like so long ago.
Since then we have started summer school (which btw, is almost over), played so much fun baseball, baseball pool party, had a birthday, a birthday party, went to professional baseball game, visited with friends, had friends over, and planned the rest of the summer....can we say slumber parties, vacation bible school, vacation, holiday with lots of sparklers, cousins, karate, soccer and swimming.
So, kindergarten ended with a bang...you know becoming a first grader is a big deal. Apparently you run faster, eat more, have a later recess and get to bring your very own snack each and every day. Jacob started first grade summer school and is diggin' it. It's such a great program. They have a home room that they go to each morning and learn a different topic each week, then after lunch they go to three different electives for the afternoon and switch after two weeks time. The electives Jacob chose this year were Get Movin, Tech Treasures, Super Summer Science, Spectacular Sports, Music Mania and Got Games. He has at least one friend in each one of his classes, so it's just one large play date for him. I am going to be sad to see it end, but must admit...happy that we won't have to get up and movin' each day so early. Summers are hard, stay up late....get up early, makes for some grouchy kiddos each day.
Baseball has ended for the summer - Jacob was the ball player, Robb helped coach the team, I was the scorekeeper, and on occasion Isabella was the bat girl. I am so proud of this team and Jacob. We started the season at our house not knowing that you put your glove down to bat and ended playing the catcher position and lovin' it and becoming a pretty good hitter. Although next season he has told us he wants to play pitcher. The season actually ended last week, then we had a season ending tournament to fight for the championship. It was an elimination of the best of three games, so when you lost you were done. We played a game on Saturday and won so we advanced to the next game, which was played on Monday night in 100 degree weather. It was one of the best baseball games I have ever been to - professional or other wise. It was intense and the boys were having so much fun. I think the parents were biting their nails and pacing back and forth (at least the 100 times they asked me the score). You see, we played a team that has been undefeated this season and been together for 3 years, has all the best equipment and wares, and has no less than 7 coaches. Yep, three years. Mind you, this is our first real season and at times looked liked the Bad News Bears, and most of the boys on the team were in the same shoes. Some of us didn't know how to hold a bat when we started in April. I also have to add, when we played them the first time this season we didn't score one point against them and they scored 10. Well, these boys dug down deep and played with all heart. They played an exceptional game. They kept this team on their toes, went into extra innings because of the need to break a tie, played an extra 30 minutes into the next games time, and only lost by 1 point. Final score
12-13 - them. IT ROCKED! Actually was told by the other's team coach, we were the best team they were up against this season and they were sweatin' it out. Wait til' next year, we are only going to improve. Did I mention, I love baseball, especially at this age, because they love it. Jacob loves it so much, we play a lot of 'pretend' baseball inside the house. We even attended a professional game and have plans to hit another professional game on vacation.
Karate is going great and still continuing on. We have taken our summer activities to one per child until the fall. We all need a break in this house and wanted time to swim, take out the boat, and just have some fun around the house and with friends.
Isabella turned 4, had a birthday party and is learning to ride a bike. She invited 10 of her closest friends over for a chef/cooking party. We cooked our hearts out. The girls came over for lunch and helped prepare a healthy fun kid friendly lunch, while making it a little fun playing some games. It was great. The kids did so well and actually ate their lunch and couldn't wait to decorate their cakes. I must say, I would do this again in a heart beat. She has also been a great cheerleader and bat girl for Jacob's team and I think enjoyed going out to the park as much as we have. She also is swimming like a fish, she can stay right up with the boys when she is in the water. In fact, it's hard to get her out of the water.
Other than that, we are just livin' life, attempting to stay cool, and gearing up for vacation next week. Until next time, enjoy yourself, get your sweat on, and go outside and play.

Last Day of Kindergarten for Jacob.

Cooking adventures!

Workin' on the boat.

Resident Chefs!

Hey Batter, Batter, Batter - SWING!

Take me out to the ball game....
Where to start, where to start. Well, we left off with the ending of the school year, baseball, soccer, karate, and final dance performances....that seems like so long ago.
Since then we have started summer school (which btw, is almost over), played so much fun baseball, baseball pool party, had a birthday, a birthday party, went to professional baseball game, visited with friends, had friends over, and planned the rest of the summer....can we say slumber parties, vacation bible school, vacation, holiday with lots of sparklers, cousins, karate, soccer and swimming.
So, kindergarten ended with a bang...you know becoming a first grader is a big deal. Apparently you run faster, eat more, have a later recess and get to bring your very own snack each and every day. Jacob started first grade summer school and is diggin' it. It's such a great program. They have a home room that they go to each morning and learn a different topic each week, then after lunch they go to three different electives for the afternoon and switch after two weeks time. The electives Jacob chose this year were Get Movin, Tech Treasures, Super Summer Science, Spectacular Sports, Music Mania and Got Games. He has at least one friend in each one of his classes, so it's just one large play date for him. I am going to be sad to see it end, but must admit...happy that we won't have to get up and movin' each day so early. Summers are hard, stay up late....get up early, makes for some grouchy kiddos each day.
Baseball has ended for the summer - Jacob was the ball player, Robb helped coach the team, I was the scorekeeper, and on occasion Isabella was the bat girl. I am so proud of this team and Jacob. We started the season at our house not knowing that you put your glove down to bat and ended playing the catcher position and lovin' it and becoming a pretty good hitter. Although next season he has told us he wants to play pitcher. The season actually ended last week, then we had a season ending tournament to fight for the championship. It was an elimination of the best of three games, so when you lost you were done. We played a game on Saturday and won so we advanced to the next game, which was played on Monday night in 100 degree weather. It was one of the best baseball games I have ever been to - professional or other wise. It was intense and the boys were having so much fun. I think the parents were biting their nails and pacing back and forth (at least the 100 times they asked me the score). You see, we played a team that has been undefeated this season and been together for 3 years, has all the best equipment and wares, and has no less than 7 coaches. Yep, three years. Mind you, this is our first real season and at times looked liked the Bad News Bears, and most of the boys on the team were in the same shoes. Some of us didn't know how to hold a bat when we started in April. I also have to add, when we played them the first time this season we didn't score one point against them and they scored 10. Well, these boys dug down deep and played with all heart. They played an exceptional game. They kept this team on their toes, went into extra innings because of the need to break a tie, played an extra 30 minutes into the next games time, and only lost by 1 point. Final score
12-13 - them. IT ROCKED! Actually was told by the other's team coach, we were the best team they were up against this season and they were sweatin' it out. Wait til' next year, we are only going to improve. Did I mention, I love baseball, especially at this age, because they love it. Jacob loves it so much, we play a lot of 'pretend' baseball inside the house. We even attended a professional game and have plans to hit another professional game on vacation.
Karate is going great and still continuing on. We have taken our summer activities to one per child until the fall. We all need a break in this house and wanted time to swim, take out the boat, and just have some fun around the house and with friends.
Isabella turned 4, had a birthday party and is learning to ride a bike. She invited 10 of her closest friends over for a chef/cooking party. We cooked our hearts out. The girls came over for lunch and helped prepare a healthy fun kid friendly lunch, while making it a little fun playing some games. It was great. The kids did so well and actually ate their lunch and couldn't wait to decorate their cakes. I must say, I would do this again in a heart beat. She has also been a great cheerleader and bat girl for Jacob's team and I think enjoyed going out to the park as much as we have. She also is swimming like a fish, she can stay right up with the boys when she is in the water. In fact, it's hard to get her out of the water.
Other than that, we are just livin' life, attempting to stay cool, and gearing up for vacation next week. Until next time, enjoy yourself, get your sweat on, and go outside and play.

Last Day of Kindergarten for Jacob.

Cooking adventures!

Workin' on the boat.

Resident Chefs!

Hey Batter, Batter, Batter - SWING!

Take me out to the ball game....
Monday, May 18, 2009
More going on's to report...
School is almost out and the Teacher’s are ready to let the Monkey’s out. I am “one of those mom’s” who loves summer vacation. I know, I know, give me a week or two and I will be asking when does school start up again, but I love the thought of now having every minute of our day planned and actually having a day off or two during the week. 3 ½ days left and Jacob will be officially a first grader and Isabella will be a pre-K student. WOW! Time has gone by fast.
Speaking of time, it’s been a while blog and I have photos to prove it. That’s how I will continue with this post – a photo essay of the past few weeks. Enjoy!
Since I last posted Jacob turned 6. It’s hard for me to believe that he is already 6years old. Time flies by so quickly. What a year we have had. He started Kindergarten not knowing the entire alphabet, now he is reading to us at night, plays sports, has sleep-over’s, and this summer has a goal to learn how to ride his bike with only ‘two wheels’.
We celebrated his birthday at home with our family and of course with cake, ice cream, presents, and dinner of his choice. He wanted to go out to eat this year and picked ‘Olive Garden’. Isabella insisted on making his favorite cake which according to her was chocolate cake, white frosting, with strawberries – so I obliged. He also wrote a birthday book at school and had to read it to all of us before opening presents. It such a great feeling hearing your child read.

Then over the weekend we picked up some of his friends (6) and went bowling and out for pizza. It was a lot of fun. The kids were great and Jacob had so much fun. Parents, I recommend doing this…it was little work, didn’t have to clean my house, the boys all stayed busy, and seemed to have a great time. Then at bed time took them all home exhausted and ready for bed.

Jacob has also started baseball. He is on a great team of boys which most of from his class at school. The coaches are wonderful (Robb is one of them) and we are now eating, sleeping, and drinking baseball. In fact have a few major league games planned to attend over summer vacation.

Sports, Sports, and more Sports for our house. Soccer is going great. It’s so much fun and again, we got in with a great organization. It’s on Saturday mornings and they have practice first and then play a game with three on three. I really should tape a game because she is so small out there, she laterally has to get behind the entire ball and put her entire body behind it just to kick it. We couldn’t even buy matching cleats, shin guards, and shorts with her team because they didn’t carry her size this year. So we made do with what we found and she doesn’t seem to mind at all. It is so fun to watch. She calls it her ‘baseball practice and game’ like her big brother.

Jacob also finished his Kindergarten school year with a musical performance at school. They did a production of the Little Red Hen where he played a seed. I think he was the best seed it. Cute, cute, cute and I still hear him from to time sing some of the songs.

On May 9 we celebrated our Metcha Day. This is the day that Isabella was placed in our arms and we met for the first time. It’s hard to believe it’s been three years. She has changed so much over this time and turning into a wonderful, funny, beautiful, smart, little girl. We are so lucky.




Jacob has been working hard in Karate and tested a couple of weeks ago for another belt color. He did it. Last week we were at the exhibition/ceremony and he was handed a green belt. He started off with white, then earned a yellow belt, and now up to green. He loves karate and wants to continue working on his craft.

Then our last thing we have done and been up to is Isabella had a dance performance this past weekend. She has been involved in a tap/ballet class since last September and this was her year end performance. All the girls looked so cute and had so much fun. Isabella has made many friends and we look forward to next season. It was truly an honor to see them dance and how they have worked so hard through-out the school year.

Other than that, we are just preparing our summer plans, keeping up with our activities, continue to unpack and take care of our house, and enjoying our time we have together.
Speaking of time, it’s been a while blog and I have photos to prove it. That’s how I will continue with this post – a photo essay of the past few weeks. Enjoy!
Since I last posted Jacob turned 6. It’s hard for me to believe that he is already 6years old. Time flies by so quickly. What a year we have had. He started Kindergarten not knowing the entire alphabet, now he is reading to us at night, plays sports, has sleep-over’s, and this summer has a goal to learn how to ride his bike with only ‘two wheels’.
We celebrated his birthday at home with our family and of course with cake, ice cream, presents, and dinner of his choice. He wanted to go out to eat this year and picked ‘Olive Garden’. Isabella insisted on making his favorite cake which according to her was chocolate cake, white frosting, with strawberries – so I obliged. He also wrote a birthday book at school and had to read it to all of us before opening presents. It such a great feeling hearing your child read.

Then over the weekend we picked up some of his friends (6) and went bowling and out for pizza. It was a lot of fun. The kids were great and Jacob had so much fun. Parents, I recommend doing this…it was little work, didn’t have to clean my house, the boys all stayed busy, and seemed to have a great time. Then at bed time took them all home exhausted and ready for bed.

Jacob has also started baseball. He is on a great team of boys which most of from his class at school. The coaches are wonderful (Robb is one of them) and we are now eating, sleeping, and drinking baseball. In fact have a few major league games planned to attend over summer vacation.

Sports, Sports, and more Sports for our house. Soccer is going great. It’s so much fun and again, we got in with a great organization. It’s on Saturday mornings and they have practice first and then play a game with three on three. I really should tape a game because she is so small out there, she laterally has to get behind the entire ball and put her entire body behind it just to kick it. We couldn’t even buy matching cleats, shin guards, and shorts with her team because they didn’t carry her size this year. So we made do with what we found and she doesn’t seem to mind at all. It is so fun to watch. She calls it her ‘baseball practice and game’ like her big brother.

Jacob also finished his Kindergarten school year with a musical performance at school. They did a production of the Little Red Hen where he played a seed. I think he was the best seed it. Cute, cute, cute and I still hear him from to time sing some of the songs.

On May 9 we celebrated our Metcha Day. This is the day that Isabella was placed in our arms and we met for the first time. It’s hard to believe it’s been three years. She has changed so much over this time and turning into a wonderful, funny, beautiful, smart, little girl. We are so lucky.




Jacob has been working hard in Karate and tested a couple of weeks ago for another belt color. He did it. Last week we were at the exhibition/ceremony and he was handed a green belt. He started off with white, then earned a yellow belt, and now up to green. He loves karate and wants to continue working on his craft.

Then our last thing we have done and been up to is Isabella had a dance performance this past weekend. She has been involved in a tap/ballet class since last September and this was her year end performance. All the girls looked so cute and had so much fun. Isabella has made many friends and we look forward to next season. It was truly an honor to see them dance and how they have worked so hard through-out the school year.

Other than that, we are just preparing our summer plans, keeping up with our activities, continue to unpack and take care of our house, and enjoying our time we have together.
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