Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring is a Flinggin' here...

Hip, hip, hooray! Spring has sprung here in the Midwest. We have a fantastic sunny day and pull out the flip flops, things are starting to turn a bit green, then we have to get out our rain coats, think about where to go for Tornadoes, and look for our long sleeves again. It's my absolute most favorite season of the year. I love it.

We have been busy looking at our mound of a lot dreaming of what is soon to come....a place to hang our hats and call home. We can't wait.

We have gone out and flown a kite a two at the park.

We also attended my Grandparents 63rd wedding anniversary.

Aren't they just the most perfect bride and groom?

WOW - 63 years. It's just amazing to me. There families new each other their entire lives but they didn't really know each other. Then they dated for two weeks, got married and off to war he went. Where he flew something like 20 missions in a gunner plane and she stayed home supporting the war and was a seamstress. 63 years and 4 kids, 7 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren later they are still here going strong. In fact, he still calls her his bride. I love that word. They are like newlyweds and for sure I can learn a thing or two.

Thanks for the inspiration grandma and grandpa. I have really big shoes to fill.

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