On May 20, 2007 it was our first Forever Family Day - meaning, it was the one year ago on that day the first time as a entire we family met. We had just spent the better part of 24 hours in planes and airports trying to make our way back home to Jacob, friends and family....meanwhile we were discovering that Isabella was coming out of her shell and decided this was the moment, she felt secure enough with us and that we weren't giving her back, so she screamed pretty much non-stop the entire 24 hours. Most parents would get up in the isles to walk or rock baby, but that wasn't working, so Robb and I would take turns getting up to walk or rock ourselves so that we wouldn't go crazy. Whew - when it was all said and done, it was a short time in our lives, but at that moment, we just new at any time, the captain was going to come on and tell us the flight attendants were handing out parachutes to the new crazy family with the screaming little girl. However, the best part of the entire flight besides thinking of home and Jacob, we were on that flight with 20 new families that had similar situations. Note to self, next time....purchase seat for little one at any cost. Once arriving home and seeing Jacob and our friends and family there to greet us, all the crankiness, tiredness, and moodiness was just wiped away. It was a nice homecoming and so special to us, there were balloons, banners, American flags, our house was decorated, food was in the oven and loaded in the fridge, and for that moment, we could take in some air and let at a huge sigh of relief because all was right with the world. Thanks friends and family, you made our special day that much more special to us and we will never forget our first meeting as a Family.
This past Sunday was our Forever Family Day....on this day each year, I would like to spend the day as a family. I don't really mind what we do, just spend it together. I would like the kiddos to know that May 20 is a special day for us and we will be together. I realize in later years this will become more difficult, so for now, I call the shots.
It wasn't a spectacular day as for events being planned, no fireworks, banners, or even balloons but it was a day we spent all together talking about meeting Isabella, China, and being a family. PERFECT! We spent the day having breakfast with extended family, catching up, and playing. Then did a little home repair shopping, an spent the evening with friends and meeting their adopted daughter from China. Again, I call that a perfect day with family.
The photos above are when Isabella became a US citizen. According to our laws, once an International adopted child touches American soil and enters the country, they are citizens of the US. Therefore, May 20, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois...Isabella hit American soil and touched her feet to the ground. Another photo is of Jacob and Isabella meeting for the first time. Jacob wanted to hold her, hug her, and talk to her. He patted her to sleep that night and gave his first kiss to her. The next photo is Isabella on May 20 this year....wow how a year has changed her. I just can't believe we brought home a baby and now she is a little girl blooming, growing, learning, and laughing. The last photo is the kids getting ready to play. These days, Isabella has to do everything her big brother does. So, the hat turned backwards was on purpose because Jacob had to turn his backwards.
Thanks to the good lord above, the wonderful support we have from family and friends our family is complete.